Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Cheat Codes

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*When you have the level 'Edenia' find Rain. He will ask you to find him a cave or something like that. When you eventually find the cave which has Jade in it she will ask you to help her ambush Rain. You will then have to find Rain again, then he will go to the cave that will kill him.

When you find the cave again talk to Jade, and she will give you your reward. After you do these missions you are valid to find Liu Kang!

Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Cheat Codes

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Be at the right side of the tent a little tawards the back at 11:00PM on Thursday night. At 12:00AM a gold chest will appear with Liu Kang within it! This will only appear for about 20 seconds.(our time) There ya go! Have fun with the game!*. Nokia Xpress Browser Free Download For Nokia 206 here. (This cheat will only work while you're still in the village) There will be a boy near Bo Rai Chos dogo.

Go to him and he will say he is sick and he needs medicine. Then, go in between the two houses near the park, and a women will be standing there. She will give you the medicine. Go to the boy and he will drink the medicine and tell you a secret.

He'll say that go to Bo Rai Chos second dogo at 4a. Whensday, and look to the side of the building there will be a treasure chest containing 600 Koins! (You must follow the first two steps in order for this tip to work.